About Me

A 30 something lesbian coffee drinker from London attempting to record and share our ttc journey. Hobbies and activities - dining out with The Wife, increasing our carbon footprint, napping, over sharing on Facebook, hunting for decent second hand book shops, pretending to knit.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Trigger happy

I am drug free today - hip hip hooray! I will actually be sad to see the back of Menopur - madness. I have felt ridiculously sane these past 13 nights.... after weeks and weeks of weeping and feeling utterly irrational when down regging - it's been nice to feel hormonally balanced out (for both of us!)

We did the last Menopur @ 19:30, Synarel @ usual time of 21:30 and Ovitrelle @ 23:00. I don't feel any different apart from the usual exhausted which is good.

Had final scan yesterday (4th) and true to form, the follies had managed a massive growth spurt over the weekend. I wasn't too concerned about the rest eventually catching up (unlike The Wife) - I could feel the difference in my stomach. Not only is my stomach distended but I can no longer sleep on my tummy - boo.

Today is a day of rest and no doubt a sleepless night for us both. We need to be @ the hospital for 07:30 which means a horrendously early start. Parking in London is near impossible and our clinic is in one of the most affluent parts of London so we will be taking the train. The Wife is fretting about this but personally I don't see it as a big deal. We live 5 mins walking distance from the train station. The train to Battersea takes 20 mins. Another 5 minute walk and then a bus over the bridge which takes, max, another 5 mins and then drops us right outside the clinic. Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner but public transport really doesn't bother me.

I'm not quite sure why we need to be @ the clinic so early - egg collection is booked for around 10ish. But who cares - I'm excited!

This has been such a long road for us and such a difficult year. This time last year I was working crazy hours for the Devil Wears Prada boss, I was liquid lunching like nobody's business and life was pretty hedonistic. Whizz forward a year and we've been through everything from my Fathers shock cancer diagnosis in Feb to his passing in July. The Wife's 92 year old Grandfather had a serious stroke just after the funeral. The Wife's Mother has to start chemo herself in April. And of course our IVF journey has been complicated and drawn out to say the least.

I pray for a good ending to this year. Even if the outcome is not what we would like - mostly I would just like some peace in my heart and for the people I love to be ok.


  1. Wow! You are at egg retrieval already!!! Best of luck with everything, how many follicles? Drink plenty of water and Gatorade after and rest, rest, rest. And if you don't feel up to it get a taxi home an not the train. Let us know how you get on. I'll be thinking of you.

  2. Hi Laura - hope you're doing ok and everything went alright with your egg collection.

  3. Holy crap! Time sure is flying by!! Praying and thinking good thoughts on your egg retrieval!! You both are doing great!
